Hi, and welcome to my blog!
I am so glad to see you here. Thank you for checking my information page.
I believe diet is the key to a healthy life and determines 85% of our health.
Not only that, but I also believe in exercise and that yoga is one of the best ways to stay fit, calm, and toned.
I have always been enthusiastic about health and wellness. The more I learned, the more I wanted to share that knowledge with others.
One of these myths is that people can never be healthy and should “accept” being overweight, sick, and tired of trying.
Furthermore, there are so many “healthy” recipes to make you feel better about yourself for eating unhealthy food.
Also, many articles may confuse people more than they are helping.
People can be confused about how to lose weight or live a healthy life, yet there is more information available than ever before.
That is how “In Healthy Body” was born!
Goals You Can Achieve
Goal #1: Make healthy diet changes.
Our diet determines most of our health and well-being.
For example, people with medical issues like eczema, acne, or dry skin usually try to change their moisturizer to solve the problem. While most moisturizers are great, this is still the wrong mentality for solving a skin problem.
The right question to ask first is, “WHY do I have acne or dry skin?”
One answer could be that your skin is dry because you are not drinking enough water daily to moisturize it.
Do you ever think that the persistent headaches you get are not random?
Have you ever wondered if food or drink choices may cause headaches or other skin and body problems?
These are just two examples of why you might suffer from a body or skin problem.
Hippocrates said:
“Let thy food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”
Of course, food cannot cure everything, but you would be surprised by how many health problems people have and how their diet affects or sometimes causes them.
Your health, wellness, weight loss, and beauty should not be a never-ending cycle to cover things up.
If you eat healthily on the inside, your body and skin will radiate it on the outside.
Goal #2: Try quality over quantity.
Your calories become almost automatic when you focus on eating high-quality, nutritious foods. It is not always about the calories but what each of those calories are doing for you!
Your individual goals, tolerances, and willpower should determine what you eat.
How you eat should depend on your individual goals.
Nonetheless, our health needs and problems should determine what we eat.
With “In Healthy Body,” you will dive deep into a healthy diet, fitness, and especially my beloved yoga. It will try to help you on your beautiful journey to health.
I have already created a Pinterest, Facebook, and YouTube page, which you can find below.
Pinterest page: In Healthy Body
Facebook page: In Healthy Body
YouTube: @inhealthybody
So, stay tuned to my blog and find the answers you need for a healthy body and life!
I wish you a beautiful day and a happy life! 🙂