How to Relieve Leg Pain with 1 Tablespoon A Day of Natural Juice

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If you want to know how to relieve leg pain, today’s article is for you!

Our feet are made up of vessels, joints, nerves, muscles, and bones; any of them can be injured, creating temporary foot pain.

However, persistent pain in these body parts can be due to certain conditions.

Such conditions are arthritis, varicose veins, back pain, venous thrombosis, atherosclerosis, nerve damage, or other more straightforward reasons such as humidity. (1)


In today’s article, you will discover a healthy drink that, with just one spoonful a day, will help relieve pain in the legs, joints, and bones while improving and relieving their condition naturally.

This natural remedy will also help regenerate cartilage and varicose veins.

It is also excellent for osteoporosis, relieves knee pain, and can help you walk and do daily chores and activities more comfortably.

How to relieve leg pain with this beverage

This beverage is a natural recipe for treating leg, joint, and bone pain. You will need the following:

  • 100 grams (3.5 oz) of oats
  • ½ liter (16 oz) of water
  • 1 whole lemon
  • 4 dried plums
  • 1 tbsp. powdered gelatin

It is best to get organic oats if possible. Put the oats in a pot; add water and cook at a low temperature for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.

If the lemon is homegrown or organic, wash it very well. If not, clean it well and put it in a bowl with water and one large tablespoon of baking soda.

Thorough washing is important for cleaning off toxic chemicals, pesticides, and possible exhaust gas.

Stir and rinse the lemon again, then let it sit in the baking soda water for 10–15 minutes.

Once the oatmeal is ready, in about 15–20 minutes, drain it into a glass jar with a lid so that only the milk remains. You can eat the rest of the oatmeal plain or add it to a breakfast or other meal recipe.

How to prepare this beverage

Leave the oatmeal milk in the jar to cool, and then rinse the lemon with clean water.

Cut off both ends of the lemon, remove the pips, slice, and then cut into smaller pieces horizontally and vertically, about 12 bits per lemon slice.

Cut the plums into smaller pieces, about 3-4 for each plum. Add the lemon and plum pieces to the jar of oat milk.

Add a teaspoon of powdered gelatin, preferably organic, and combine the whole mixture well.

From this recipe, eat one tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach, making sure to have pieces of lemon and plum on the spoon.

Eat it about one hour before breakfast. Then, put the jar in the refrigerator for the remaining days, especially in summer. If you want to use this recipe again, let 10–15 days pass and then prepare it for consumption.

It is a natural recipe that will gradually help relieve and eliminate pain in the legs, joints, and bones and naturally alleviate their condition.

The pain in the legs, joints, and bones is sometimes excruciating, but this drink will help to relieve and gradually reduce the pain.

Did you know how to relieve leg pain with this beverage?

Did you know how to relieve leg pain with this natural drink that can help with leg, joint, and bone pain?

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I wish for you to always be well! 🙂

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